
9th Pre-Foundation Chemistry

5,000.00 2,500.00

This package includes 9th level complete chemistry as well as different basic topics of JEE/NEET Chemistry, which should be covered by students of 9th grade.

In this package, topics are added from the JEE or NEET Chemistry in synchronization with 9th Topics as well as some extra topics are also given with Total Duration of 52 hr 30 min.

Valid for 2 years – available in 16 GB Pendrives

Can be used on any window operating system computer


This package includes 9th level complete chemistry as well as different basic topics of JEE/NEET Chemistry, which should be covered by students of 9th grade.

In this package, topics are added from the JEE or NEET Chemistry in synchronization with 9th Topics as well as some extra topics are also given with Total Duration of 52 hr 30 min.

Basic 9th Chemistry                    (19 hr 12 min)

Matters In Our Surrounding

  • 1. Composition of Matter                                                  27.05 min
  • 2. Properties of Particles of matter                                 29.50 min
  • 3. Solid, Liquid & Gases, Diffusion                                 33.00 min
  • 4. Type of Phase change & Temperature effect             57.19 min
  • 5. Pressure effect on Phase Change & Evaporation      30.04 min

Is Matter around us Pure

  • 1.Chemical Classification of matter                                   23.11 min
  • 2.Chemical Classification of Matter                                  45.52 min
  • 3.Solid, Liquid & Gas                                                           46.05 min
  • 4.Type of Changes, Concentration of Solution               49.19 min
  • 5.Method of Separation of Mixture                                   41.05 min
  • 6.Method of Separation of Mixture                                   45.57 min

Atoms & Molecules

  1. Atoms & Molecules                                                               16.32min
  2. Definition of chemistry, Element & Compounds            43.19min
  3. Element & Atom’s properties                                              43.20min
  4. Naming of Inorganic Compounds 1                                   52.45min
  5. Naming of Inorganic Compounds 2                                  57.02min
  6. Naming of Inorganic Compounds 3                                  38.51min
  7. Law of Conservation of atom & mass, Balancing            49.07min
  8. law of definite, Multiple & reciprocal Proportion           47.27min
  9.   Mole Concept – Avogadro’s                                                30.48min
  10. Mole Concept – Mole & Number                                         28.12min
  11. Mole Concept – Atomic, Molecular Wt                             26.04min
  12. Mole Concept – Ionic wt, Avg. At. Wt.                              15.22min
  13. Mole Concept – Molar wt.                                                   27.17min
  14. Mole Problems 1                                                                   24.11min
  15. Mole Problems 2                                                                  13.32min

Structure of Atoms

  1. Cathode rays & Anode rays                                                41.48min
  2. J.J. Thomson Model, Millikan Oil Experiment             38.12min
  3. Discovery of Proton & Neutron                                         12.41min
  4. Atomic Structure – Rutherford Experiment                   51.34min
  5. Bohr Model of Atomic Structure                                      10.41min
  6. 11th Electronic Configuration                                          27.02min
  7. Electronic configuration & Valency                               22.45min

JEE/NEET Chemistry Course     (33 hr 18 min)

Introduction to Subject

  1. Introduction to Chemistry & Importance in JEE/NEET   21.36 min
  2. Syllabus of Chemistry                                                                51.52 min

Introduction of Science

  1. Scientific Method, Definition, Laws, Theory                    37.32 min
  2. Scientific Notation, Method to do Measurement            39.58 min
  3. Accuracy, Precision & Error                                                 43.19 min
  4. Introduction to Science – Error Analysis                           34.00 min
  5. Mathematical operation with error                                    26.06 min
  6. Introduction to Science – Scientific Figure                       39.04 min
  7. Unit & Dimension & its use                                                  31.00 min

Mole Concept (Extra than in 9th)

  1. Molar Volume & Gas Analysis                                             30.03 min
  2. Mole Concept – Gas Analysis                                                17.47 min
  3. Empirical Formula Determination                                     26.27 min
  4. Mole Problems 3                                                                     16.18 min
  5. Mole Problems 4                                                                     19.06 min
  6. Mole Problems 5                                                                    20.20 min
  7. Mole Problems 6                                                                    12.51 min
  8. Mole Problems 7                                                                    29.31 min

Structure of Atom (Extra than in 9th)

  1. Quantum Mechanics, BlackBody Experiment                41.06 min
  2. Introduction to Wave                                                           44.17 min
  3. Photoelectric Effect                                                              46.46 min
  4. Bohr Theory                                                                           47.18 min
  5. H – Spectrum                                                                        49.04 min

Chemical Bonding

  1. Introduction, definition, Concept & Type of Bonding     53.19min
  2. Chemical Bonding -Ionic Bonding, covalnet bonding    50.43min
  3. Model for Covalent Bond, V.B.T. Lewis St. Model          55.51min
  4. Chemical Bonding – Lewis Structure Model                    45.06min
  5. Chemical Bonding – Formal Charge                                  46.10min
  6. Chemical Bonding – Formal Charge Rule                        44.10min
  7. Chemical Bonding – Resonance                                       43.07min
  8. Merits & Demerits of Lewis St. Model                             44.03min
  9. Chemical Bonding – Drawing Lewis St.                           30.30min
  10. Chemical Bonding – VSEPR 1                                           49.48min
  11. Chemical Bonding – VSEPR 2                                           50.51min
  12. Chemical Bonding – VSEPR 3                                          51.50min
  13. Chemical Bonding – VSEPR 4                                          33.08min
  14. Chemical Bonding – Secondary Bonding                      38.52min
  15. Chemical Bonding – H Bonding                                      37.47min


  1. Metallurgy – Introduction, Concentration of ore       49.42min
  2. Metallurgy – Roasting, Calcination, smelting              41.34min
  3. Metallurgy – Refining of metal                                        29.16min
  4. Pyrometallurgy, Electro & Hydro metallurgy               32.10min
  5. Metallurgy – Extraction of Cu & Fe                                 22.19min
  6. Metallurgy – Extraction of Al & Zn                                  26.49min

Surface Chemistry

  1. Introduction & Surface tension & surface energy             32.52min
  2. Surface Chemistry – Adsorption                                          46.53min
  3. Surface Chemistry – Factors affecting Adsorption            39.16min
  4. Surface Chemistry – Catalysis                                               33.47min
  5. Tpye of Catalysis & Enzyme Catalysis                                  40.47min
  6. Surface Chemistry – Colloidal Solution                                56.50min
  7. Surface Chemsitry – Type of Collidial Solution                   42.48min

  Environmental Chemistry

  1. Introduction & Air  Pollution                                                  35.40min
  2. Environmental Chemistry – Air Pollution                            19.44min
  3. Environmental Chemistry – Water Pollution                       23.32min
  4. Soil Pollution, Prevention of Pollution                                  16.30min


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